Bookings are now open for the Coach Tourism Association (CTA) Conference & Workshop 2024. The event will take place in Newcastle upon Tyne, Sunday 28 to Tuesday 30 January 2024. The UK coach tourism industry’s biggest annual event brings together coach operators and wholesalers with suppliers, including hotels, attractions, and service providers, each year generating extensive business opportunities.
The CTA Conference & Workshop is open to all CTA members. Non-members can join the organisation to attend, accessing all the benefits open to operator, wholesaler, and supplier CTA members. A special October-only discount is available, with an Early Bird rate saving £50 per person for bookings made by 31 October.
The event will be based at the Hilton Newcastle Gateshead and includes the not-to-be-missed CTA Meet the Buyer Workshop on the morning of Monday, 29 January. The 2023 event featured nearly 800 pre-arranged, 10-minute meetings, introducing coach operators and wholesaler buyers to suppliers.
Supplier Showcases over the weekend will also give further opportunities to develop new products. Looking at attractions in detail, the event will also include guided fam trips to two special locations in the North East, including lunch at the Holiday Inn Newcastle Jesmond on Sunday, 28 January.
Ahead of the main Conference and workshop proceedings, delegates can also participate in a bonus fam trip to The Auckland Project on Saturday, 28 and 29 January. Buyer attendees can also join a special DFDS cruise to Amsterdam following the Conference, from Tuesday, 30 January to Thursday, 1 February.
Meanwhile, the Conference session is set to address industry hot topics, and networking dinners will present extensive opportunities to discuss coach tourism subjects, including business development.
“Booking your place now at the CTA Conference & Workshop 2024 makes a lot of sense,” says CTA Chair Robert Shaw. “Early booking not only guarantees your place, but it also gives you the potential to join the bonus fam trips. With hundreds of meetings between operators, wholesalers, and coach tourism suppliers at one event, there’s a huge opportunity to develop business and new products. If there’s one event in the year that everyone involved in coach tourism should attend, it’s the annual Conference & Workshop.”
For more information and to book, visit the CTA events page