CPT has created an industry wide coach decarbonisation taskforce to start to create the roadmap which will help operators decarbonise their fleets.
The taskforce to be chaired by Ian Luckett of the Lucketts Travel Group and National Express, and reporting to CPT’s Coach Commission, will bring together operators, manufacturers and other experts. It will start by reviewing and evidencing the challenges the industry faces to decarbonising the fleet building on the conclusions from the CPT coach decarbonisation conference taking place today.
This work will lead to a CPT report on potential solutions for the sector in the summer of 2022. This report will form a crucial part of CPT’s engagement with governments across Britain on one of the most important issues for the coach sector.
Commenting on the launch of the taskforce CPT Chief Executive Graham Vidler said:
“CPT is launching this taskforce to help our members get ahead of what will be a transformational issue for the industry over the coming decades.
“The taskforce will start with a forensic examination of the issues ahead. This is a crucial first step in helping us develop sustainable and deliverable solutions which will help the industry on its journey to net zero.”
Chair of the taskforce Ian Luckett said:
“I am delighted to be chairing the taskforce and look forwarding to working with my fellow taskforce members, CPT and other industry stakeholders.
“Decarbonising our world is essential and it’s vital our industry understands the part it needs to play on the journey to ‘net Zero’. It must be clear not only about the challenges it faces, and what needs to happen to help it overcome them, but that it has evidence to back this up. I will be asking members of the taskforce to have this in mind from day one as we begin this exciting and important work.”