
Sheffield Park- the place to be with your groups during 2020… By Coach Tours UK -

Sheffield Park- the place to be with your groups during...

An ancient estate, once the gift of Kings and mentioned in the Domesday Book, Sheffield Park and..

Great group visits at The Kent & East Sussex Railway… By Coach Tours UK -

Great group visits at The Kent & East Sussex Railway…

With discounted rates and many refreshment options available, a warm welcome awaits coach and organised groups of..

Time to Take the Brakes off Your PR By Coach Tours UK -

Time to Take the Brakes off Your PR

Guest article by By Louise Findlay-Wilson, Managing Director at Energy PR

Yorkshire Wildlife Park celebrates ten years since its landmark campaign to save a pride of lions By Coach Tours UK -

Yorkshire Wildlife Park celebrates ten years since its landmark...

The award-winning Yorkshire Wildlife Park is celebrating the tenth anniversary of its landmark campaign to save a..

Historic England Chief to join the Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust Board of Trustees By Coach Tours UK -

Historic England Chief to join the Chatham Historic Dockyard...

The Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust is pleased to announce the appointment of Duncan Wilson OBE, Chief Executive,..

Have you registered yet for our latest FAM trip ? By Coach Tours UK -

Have you registered yet for our latest FAM trip ?

Dont just take our word for it... The last FAM trip by Coach Tours UK was a roaring..

Stamford Shakespeare Company, Rutland Open Air Theatre at Tolethorpe Hall By Coach Tours UK -

Stamford Shakespeare Company, Rutland Open Air Theatre at...

Throughout summer (9 June – 29 August) the Stamford Shakespeare Company presents an annual season of plays...

Visit the stunning Blair Castle with your groups in 2020… By Coach Tours UK -

Visit the stunning Blair Castle with your groups in 2020…

Blair Castle is nestled in the stunning Perthshire countryside, a 90 minute drive from Edinburgh, Glasgow and..

Surprising Watford to Welcome Coach VIPS By Coach Tours UK -

Surprising Watford to Welcome Coach VIPS

Showcase Scheduled for 10/11 May- A destination that is ‘full of surprises’ is to welcome the UK travel..

Experience the sounds of the ‘Roaring Twenties ‘ with Max Raabe & Palast Orchestra By Coach Tours UK -

Experience the sounds of the ‘Roaring Twenties ‘ with...

Debut UK Tour for international million selling German singer. Just four dates in Eastbourne, London, Birmingham and..


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