Leger Shearings Group Wraps Coach to Celebrate The Great...
Leger Holidays, the escorted coach tours company, well known for its Battlefield Tours, has partnered with production..
CPT’s call for data from coach operators travelling to the...
Coach operators, who are using the Port of Dover and the Channel Tunnel for the Rugby World..
Daish’s Holidays invests in upgrading coach fleet
Independent family-owned coach holiday group, Daish’s Holidays has invested more than £955,000 in four new luxury coaches..
Sunshine safari just the ticket for school children
A sunshine safari to Longleat was just the ticket for a group of Weston-super-Mare school children, thanks..
Adventure Travel responds to congestion charge proposal for...
LEADING transport provider Adventure Travel has responded to proposals announced by Cardiff Council to introduce congestion charges..
£4 million investment announced as Timberbush Tours owned urges...
Coach tour boss seeks parity with bus operators’ shift to electric and hydrogen vehicles Claims that Government needs..
Dover delay problem shifted to coach operators says CTA
New measures aiming to reduce delays for coaches passing through Dover to Europe risk moving responsibility to..
Coach sector outlines three-point plan to end delays at Port of...
More border staff, increased coach lanes and greater use of new technology provide the key to curing..
Coach sector rallies to ensure smooth road to destination zero
Taskforce of industry experts join forces to reach net zero targets 81% of the UK’s 2,500 coach operators..
New Cymru Director announced by the Confederation of Passenger...
The Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT) has announced Aaron Hill as its new Director of CPT Cymru.